Credits should be given to the original up loader.
Archive Packs / Direct Links
Decompiler/Disassembler Archive - (479k - 490,557 bytes). |
Sebastien Apel's InstallShield Script CRC corrector, Wisdec, Wise Install Decompilers. |
Key Generator Source Code Archive - (427k - 437,901 bytes). |
Collection of key generator source codes in various languages, ASM/C/C++/Java/Pascal/Perl/Win32ASM. |
HEX Editing Archive - (849k - 869,884 bytes). |
HEdit v2.1.11, Hex Workshop v3.01 & Hiew v6.15 Key Generator's, Hiew 6.55 full, Implant. |
HCU Tools Archive - (201k - 206,393 bytes). |
Dasm (requires PERL), FrogsICE v0.43 source code + FrogsICE v1.07.3/v1.08.5, Iceman's SoftICE Helper VxD, Letter Opener & SoftDump (courtesy of Quine). |
Miscellaneous Tools Archive - (518k - 531,307 bytes). |
ASCII Table v2.01, Flu[X]'s File Utils & Key Generator Functions, GPatch v1.2b, ICEPATCH v2.0, InstallShield v5.5 Cabinet Utilities, i6comp v1.03beta, Matt Pietrek's PEDump, Package For The Web Cracker, PE Rebuilder v0.96b, PkCrack v1.2, SoftICE DevStudio Serial # Generator. | - Home of UnderNet #asm, at the moment (read that carefully) they have everything you might ever wan't in the latest versions, as this URL gets better known expect things to get trickier for the files to remain intact, but for now.....
ExeTools - Aaron's home page has everything you might ever need to download, however for most you need to be provided access to the FTP, at the time of checking ftp.txt was a 404, you might need some luck to get access. Since the host is in China, the links might survive for a while.
Links - Try combing/perusing sites I've linked too.
ProTools (Programmers Tools) - Once upon a time, a great tooling site, now more of a news archive of 'latest releases of various protectors' and unpackers, its still worth the visit and Kaparo keeps it very up-to-date, but don't expect to find IDA or SoftICE here.
MASM32 v8 - Maintained by hutch-- and Iczelion, this compilation is one of the best ready-made Win32 assembly resources you can download.
Turbo Assembler v5.0 - Full version of Borland's TASM (original installation disks). You'll need this to assemble and link most of the assembly language source codes on my site. Disk 1, Disk 2, Disk 3. TASM v5.0r patch (minor update 152k).
Turbo Assembler v5.3 & Resource Compiler v5.4 - Updated files taken from Borland Developer Studio (1.31Mb's).
Decompilers / Disassemblers
BDASM v2.5 - Lightweight disassembler, an alternative to W32Dasm (1.84Mb's).
DeDe - Delphi decompiler by DaFixer.
Eltima Flash Decompiler v2.9.9.360 - Flash Decompiler (6.58Mb's).
InstallShield 6 Tools - Further continuation of fOSSiL's great i5comp (121k).
Interactive Disassembler Pro (IDA) v4.30a - Masterpiece from Datarescue (32Mb's) (since this link seems to disappear or be actively removed, I suggest you make note of the name 'ida430a.rar' for future searches ;-) ).
Interactive Disassembler Pro (IDA) v4.51.770 - A later version of IDA (29.2Mb's).
Interactive Disassembler Pro (IDA) v4.9 SDK - for making your own plugins (6.37Mb's).
isDcc v1.22 - Very capable InstallShield script decompiler by Andrew De Quincy.
palmdeMON - Carpathia's experimental Palm Pilot disassembler, abandoned in 2003 or so.
V-Communications Sourcer 7 - Old but worthy sourcering tool which deserves a place in any reversers archive (986k - 1,010,214 bytes).
V-Communications Sourcer 8 - Latest version (1.62Mb).
VB Decompiler Pro 3.4 - GPcH Soft's Decompiler (2.12Mb).
Visual Basic v3.0 Decompiler - from DoDi (1.28Mb).
W32Dasm v8.93 - Good disassembler for starting out, superseeded by IDA a while back.
Debugger Archive - MeltICE, SoftICE v1.54 (Windows 3.1), SoftICE v2.62 (DOS), SoftICE v2.8 (DOS), SoftICE ATI Driver Fix (621k - 636,249 bytes).
NuMega SoftICE v4.05 (Windows 9x) (filename & NuMega SoftICE v4.05 (NT) - (filename Debugger of choice, alternative link here (NT).
NuMega SoftICE for Windows Millennium Beta (120k).
OllyDbg - 32-bit code level debugger (useful for environments where SoftICE doesn't perform so well).
SoftICE Cover v1.0 - Tool for hiding SoftICE against well-known anti-debugging tricks (9.61Mb's).
Syser v1.93 - Very capable and recent SoftICE alternative (3.55Mb).
TRW 2000 v1.22 - LiuTaoTao's capable (if slightly buggy) SoftICE alternative (453k).
Resource Editors
Borland Resource Workshop v4.5 - The original installation disks for this very good (if aging) resource compiler/editor.
Resource Hacker - Freeware resource editor.
Symantec ResourceStudio v1.0 16/32 bit - Alternative to BRW.
HelpPC v2.10 - Invaluable quick ASM reference.
APISpy32 v2.5 - A poor man's BoundsChecker, of limited use (255k).
File Monitor, Registry Monitor & VxD Monitor - Capable file, registry and vxd monitoring tools with source code by Mark Russinovich & Bryce Cogswell.
Forms Spy - A hard to find tool for spying on applications using forms, e.g. VB and Delphi programs (129k).
OpenTrap v1.2 - Another recommended file system activity monitor for Windows 95/8 (323k).
Win-eXpose-I/O v3.00 - A very useful I/O monitoring tool (1.81Mb).
Win-eXpose-Registry v1.00 - A capable registry monitoring tool (1.12Mb).
Useful Tools
Byte Parser - Tool written by me for parsing dumps into text (well I think its useful anyway ;-) ) (16k).
FrogsICE - Useful anti-debugging tool for Win9x/WinME (please note his page is MSIE hostile).
Hex Workshop v3.0x - HEX editor from Breakpoint Software.
Hiew - Another great HEX editor from Sen.
IceDump - The tool that NuMega forgot with a neverending array of options, study the source code, for all common versions of SoftICE 95 & NT, highly recommended.
j0b's DeShrink v1.6 - Latest version always available here, j0b has now fixed the problems with Shrinker v3.4.
ProcDump v1.6.x - The last ever version of G-RoM, lorian & Stone's very capable OO unpacker.
Snippet Creator v1.05 build 2 - Iczelion's handy programming tool.
WinManage v1.0 - 605k.
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